The treasures of the northwest desert--- Kashgar golden populus euphratica dinosaur park
The treasures of the northwest desert--- Kashgar golden populus euphratica dinosaur park.
Nowadays Animatronic dinosaur is widely used in amusement park, exhibitions, shopping malls or even in Schools. They are extremely popular in populated areas. Because it is more catching people’s eyes. But today I am going to show you an unusual case which is built a dinosaur park in Northwest desert-Sinkiang.
On Aug 20th, 2016. One client from northwest china-Sinkiang comes to visit our factory. He is interested in our animatronic dinosaur and walking dinosaurs. When finished inspecting our products, he asked one question: is it possible to build a dinosaur park in Sinkiang?
Normally the dinosaur park or animatronic dinosaur is planned to display in populated areas, like big cities. Because it will be more easy to gather popularity. But in northwest china ,there are few people. The effect may not be so good.Our boss see this situation and after discussing with our production manager. The answer is positive. We display more creative animatronic dinosaur and amazing interactive dinosaur to help them raise the popularity. And our designer work out delicate bluepoint according to their terrain. Makes the dinosaur park so outstanding in their city. And the clients wants to open the dinosaur park in Oct 1st which is our national holiday.
So i asked our product department to work overtime during two month to make sure the dinosaur can be delivered on time. The first day of the opening, there are 80,000 people come to visit the dinosaur park. People are crazy about our animatronic dinosaur. And client is very pleased, he asked more dinosaur rides in 2017.